Why the surgery?

Wisdom teeth appear after the age of 17 in most human beings. Though the basic structure remains the same, it has three roots that implement into the bone in its sockets. In some individuals, the tooth remains under the gum and does not appear, which a sign of a safe zone is. However, in others, the tooth shoots cause intense pain. Treatment is planned after consultation with a dental surgeon. Either tooth can be left or extracted depending upon the space in the individual’s buccal cavity. Some individuals do not have space because the other molars have already occupied the spaces where the wisdom is supposed to sprout. In such cases, extraction is the only option left. Now, I would like to explain wisdom tooth extraction singapore.

How is the tooth removed from its socket?

As painful as it sounds, teeth are forcefully pulled out from their sockets. Since the sockets have sensitive nerve endings, the process will be painful. So before starting the procedure, the dentist injects anesthesia into the medial and lateral aspects of the gums near the tooth. All the sensations are lost. The person feels like his cheek is bubbling out. Once this is felt, an incision is made in the gums if the tooth is inside the gum. The gums are retracted, and the tooth is extracted. If the tooth is well exposed, the pliers are introduced, and the tooth is grabbed out. Sometimes the roots of the teeth might be broken off and left back in the socket. The surgeon opens the socket and removes the broken root in such cases. The dentist should always be aware not to leave any piece inside the gum as it can lead to infection and necrosis. Once the procedure is completed, the gums are sutured back, and cotton is placed to prevent blood loss. Spicy foods are advised to be avoided to prevent inflammation in the area.

What can happen if the tooth is not extracted?

If the tooth does not appear outside and remains within the gums without causing any pain, then there are no complications. Sometimes the pain will not be controlled with the help of NSAIDs and other medications. The pain can get severe and damage the roots of the nearby molars. It can also cause massive bleeding. The person may experience insomnia due to the high intensity of pain. Super added infection could also occur if the tooth remains inside and ruptures the underlying blood vessels. Another complication is that the tooth can appear in the lateral and medial parts of the gum since there is no space in the top part. This will cause an irregularity in the alignment of dentition in the individual, which can lead to difficulty chewing food.