Delta-8 is a synthetic cannabinoid that has been marketed as a legal alternative to cannabis since it hit the market in 2008, but authorities have recently determined that this drug is far more dangerous than once thought. The effects of delta-8 resemble those of marijuana, but it can be extremely dangerous and even prove fatal if taken at high doses. It has been known for some time that the use of synthetic cannabinoids could cause severe agitation and panic attacks, resulting in paranoia or extreme anxiety. In January 2014, two cases emerged involving very young children who were hospitalized after ingesting delta-8 on their own accord. In one case, a ten-month-old baby girl from Florida was brought to the hospital by her parents for acting strangely. She was in a state of agitation, difficult to console, and had tight muscles. The hospital staff observed symptoms similar to those seen when patients are administered the synthetic drug “K2”. They quickly began treatment with multiple pharmaceuticals but her symptoms worsened. After she suffered two seizures, the baby was airlifted to another facility for treatment where she continued to decline until dying four days later.
Another case emerged in January 2014 involving an eight-year-old girl who ingested delta-8 on her own accord while playing outside; however, this time it barely made headlines because the child was sent home after recovery at the hospital. It is still unclear why some cases involving ingestion of delta-8 cause drastic changes in behavior while others only result in nausea or vomiting.
Can I order Delta 8 carts online? Yes. Delta-8 is a synthetic cannabinoid that has been marketed as a legal alternative to cannabis since it hit the market in 2008, but authorities have recently determined that this drug is far more dangerous than once thought. The effects of delta-8 resemble those of marijuana, but it can be extremely dangerous and even prove fatal if taken at high doses. It has been known for some time that the use of synthetic cannabinoids could cause severe agitation and panic attacks, resulting in paranoia or extreme anxiety. In January 2014, two cases emerged involving very young children who were hospitalized after ingesting delta-8 on their own accord. In one case, a ten-month-old baby girl from Florida was brought to the hospital by her for acting strangely. She was in a state of agitation, difficult to console, and had tight muscles. The hospital staff observed symptoms similar to those seen when patients are administered the synthetic drug “K2”. They quickly began treatment with multiple pharmaceuticals but her symptoms worsened. After she suffered two seizures, the baby was airlifted to another facility for treatment where she continued to decline until dying four days later.
Another case emerged in January 2014 involving an eight-year-old girl who ingested delta 8 online on her own accord while playing outside; however, this time it barely made headlines because the child was sent home after recovery at the hospital. It is still unclear why some cases involving ingestion of delta-8 cause drastic changes in behavior while others only result in nausea or vomiting.